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OLD_달려라/캡스톤 디자인(졸업작품)

Arduino ] Read RealTime Database from Firebase

by 달승 2020. 10. 5.

getInt and setInt · Issue #35 · mobizt/Firebase-ESP8266

Hi can someone help me to get int from firebase. This is code i am using for this R = Firebase.getInt(firebaseData, "DomeLED/Color/r"); Where R is my global variable of Int type, firebase...





아래의 코드로 Firebase에 축적된 데이터를 Arduino로 읽어올 수 있습니다.


저는 위의 git에 나온 라이브러리를 사용했습니다. ( mobizt / Firebase-ESP8266 )


if (Firebase.getInt(firebaseData, "DomeLED/Color/r" ){
	if (firebaseData.dataType() == "int")
        R = (firebaseData.intData());

